
‘Public Option’ in Health Plan May Be Dropped

‘Public Option’ in Health Plan May Be Dropped: "For President Obama, giving up on a public insurance plan could punch a hole in Republican arguments but could also alienate liberal Democrats."

He's doing this so Republicans will get on board. You know, the "moderate Republicans" who are willing to "work with" Democrats to get this bill passed. If anyone who does not support this bill could explain to me why the public option is bad, I'd really like to hear it.


Interesting article about healthcare

Haven't blogged much in a while. Don't intend to restart. Only wanted to point to an article by Peter Singer on the issue of healthcare (nationalized versus private) in the New York Times a week or two ago. I have to agree with Professor Singer (like that matters): despite what is written in the news, the human cost of private healthcare is simply less immediately visible than that of nationalized healthcare. Take a read and see what you think.

[via NYT Magazine]